
Comparison Chart

Tufting Machine Model  AK-I AK-II ZQ-II AK-III ZQ-III
Pile types created Cut Loop Loop and Cut Loop and Cut Loop and Cut
Price $275 $275 $465 $875 $1,399
Ease of use Very easy Very easy Medium Medium to hard Medium to hard
Pile height ranges

.275 - .70" (7-18mm)

.157" - .55" (4-13mm) .275  - .70" (7-18mm) .70" to 2.36" (18mm - 60mm) .70" to 2.75" (18mm - 70mm)
Electricity 110v - 220v 110v - 220v 110v or 220v 110v - 220v 220v
Air compressor required? No No No Yes Yes